Friday, 14 September 2012

Lions and Giraffe and monkeys....OH MY!

It was safari time...4 nights camping out in the bush with only a torch to protect us from wild animals!
It took 4 hours to drive from Maun to Moremi Game Reserve on sand roads. Along the way there were tiny huts used as houses and livestock was everywhere! Our first proper sighting though was a giraffe which Sarah was pleased about because it meant she won the bet. We were technically camping in a campsite but it was in the middle of nowhere with no fences between us and the animals. Tabi (our guide) instructed us to run into our tent or the truck (whichever was closest) should something dangerous decide to visit us.
Lots of animals visited our camp but one thing we weren't expecting was to be snuck up on by an elephant! They are surprisingly quiet and one night an individual reached within 15m of us whilst we were sitting round our camp fire. The next morning we heard vervet monkey alarm calls and Sarah was right in her element having studied them at uni. We found out later that a leopard had made a kill next to our camp without us even knowing!
One of our favourite moments of the safari was this discovery...

Can you tell what it is? If you can't, don't worry, Katie couldn't see it either!


 Our first camp
Camp toilet
Distance between us and the sneaky elephant                                                       
Unfortunately we don't have photographic evidence of the next incident because we were just too busy picking up our underwear from all over camp. Basically, baboons have dicovered a way to unzip tents! We arrived back form a game drive to find our tent collasped and all of our belongings scattered around camp. If it wasn't bad enough that they ate all our toiletries and ripped Katie's bag, they even pooed in our tent! Lets just say we were NOT impressed.

Possible culprits?
Lioness and cub 

A house in Khwai village
                               Rickety bridge


  1. Forget about sneaky mating... a sneaky elephant is so much cooler! Sounds like you guys are having a blast, all the animals sound in-credible, but sorry to hear about the toothpaste munching baboon and stay safe with the leopard around! :) xxx

  2. Hi explorers, my favourite photo is the leopard although the dunny made me laugh the most! Love from Edie & Mack
